
A decade ago I sometimes would have a 100g bar of chocolate for dinner. I was lazy. I still don't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen but I far better appreciate the importance of eating real food.

I've also spent a lot of time learning how to eat ahead of races, during races and before and after training. There is a science to it but it's easier to implement than it might appear given the volume of advertising on the subject.

I was fortunate that my first coach in the sport was a nutrition expert. He set me on a solid path and I learned the hard way at times that too little or too much nutrition would impact my performance in a negative way.

As I've progressed through the sport, I've tweaked my nutrition.

My main endurance cycling and long-distance racing nutritional product is Hammer's Sustained Energy. I like the taste, which is very important, and I tolerate it very well too.

While I race almost exclusively on liquid nutrition - Sustained plus gels, I will use Powerbar's energy bars in training and as part of a pre-race breakfast. I simply have found it too hard to digest solids while racing.

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